Posts filed under 'What’s In and What’s Out'

Omiru Poll Results: Colorful Handbags are In!

Omiru Poll Result: Colorful Handbags are In

Manzano Handbag at AnthropologieWe asked: Are Colorful Handbags In or Out?

You said: They’re In!  A full 76% are all for these brightly colored bags, while only 5% consider them Out.  The remaining 19%, however, believe they’re On the Way Out.

Omiru’s take: Colorful handbags are a great way to punch up your outfit, especially in a season so enamored of neutrals.  We can’t think of a better way to add oomph to a fresh white summery dress, or even the standard jeans and tee combo.  But make sure to pick a color you love…and one that makes a Statement.

Next Question: According to Women’s Wear Daily, this fall is the season of the dress.  We’re particularly partial to the classic wrap dress.  But what do you think?  Tell us, are Wrap Dresses In, or are they Out?  Cast your vote on the sidebar!

Pictured: Manzano Hobo| $548 at Anthropologie.

August 28th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Horizontal Stripes are In

Omiru Poll Result: Horizontal Stripes are In

Omiru Poll Result: Horizontal Stripes are InWe asked: Are Horizontal Stripes In or Out?

You said: They’re (barely) in.  56% of you are all for the horizontal stripes, but significant chunks of Omiru’s population think they’re Out (19%) and On the Way Out (25%).

Omiru’s take: While horizontal stripes are still In, they certainly aren’t universally popular.  Perhaps this hesitancy relates to the conventional fashion wisdom that declares that, like the camera that adds 10 pounds, "horizontal stripes make you look fat."  Our tip for suiting up in these stripes?  Opt for thin stripes, which appear more like an all-over fabric pattern, instead of the wide horizontal stripes that draw the eye from side to side.

Next Question: Colorful handbags in shades of sunflower, grass, and aqua are adorning the arms of fashion mavens.  But what do you think?  Should we beware of basic brown and black and have our handbags embrace these rainbow colors?  Tell us, are Colorful Handbags In, or are they Out?  Cast your
vote on
the sidebar!

Pictured: Vintage Print Peter Pan Top | $19.99 (sale) at Urban Outfitters.

August 21st, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Short Shorts are On the Way Out!

Omiru Poll Result: Short Shorts are on the way out!

Omiru Poll Result: Short Shorts are On the Way OutWe asked: Are Short Shorts In or Out?

You said: As the end of summer comes closer, short shorts will see their welcome fade away.  Almost half (45%) think they’re already Out, and another 21% believe they’re On the Way Out.  Only 34% consider Short Shorts to be In.

Omiru’s take: Short shorts saw their revival in Jessica Simpson’s The Dukes of Hazzard; they weren’t meant to last.  Enjoy them while the weather is still steamy, but opt for something with a bit more coverage come fall.  In short, catch them while you can!

Next Question: Tell us, are Horizontal Stripes In, or are they Out?  Cast your
vote on
the sidebar!

2 comments August 14th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Purple is IN!

Omiru Poll Result: Purple is IN!

Omiru Poll Result: The Color Purple is INWe asked: Is the Color Purple In or Out?

You said: Purple rules!  76% are all over the royal color.  Only 14% think that Purple is Out, and a small minority (10%) believe Purple is On the Way Out.

Omiru’s take: We love Purple as much as you do.  Some tips on how to wear the color?  While bright purple complements sunny summer days, we’d recommend choosing a more muted shade of purple come Autumn.  Try a greyed-out lilac or a purple-brown hue to evoke the elegance of the royal color.

Next Question: You told us that Shorts are In.  But what do you think about Short Shorts?   Tell us, are Short Shorts In, or are they Out?  Cast your
vote on
the sidebar!

2 comments August 7th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Humor Tees are Out

Omiru Poll Result: Humor Tees are Out

Omiru Poll Result: Humor Tees are OutWe asked: Are Humor Tees In or Out?

You said: Humor Tees, despite their celeb sightings, are Out.  57% voted them out, and another 26% think they’re on the way out.  However, a sizeable minority (23%) are still rocking this trend.

Omiru’s take:
Sure, these tees may be amusing on Lindsay or Paris, but they’re not for everyone.  If you’re looking for attention, you might want to try a bold color or a unique accessory instead.  However, we don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater–humor tees aren’t necessarily unstylish.  Our rule of thumb?  If in 10 years you would be embarassed to see a picture of yourself in the tee, leave the tee on the shelf.

Next Question: You told us that The Color White is In.  Our last few shopping trips, however, have turned up shades of purple and lilac.   Tell us, is The Color Purple In, or is it Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

July 31st, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Cowboy Boots are Out!

Omiru Poll Result: Cowboy Boots are Out

Omiru Poll Result: Cowboy Boots are OutWe asked: Are Cowboy Boots In or Out?

You said: Out.  The breakdown?  A slight majority (56%) think Cowboy Boots are over, and another 26% believe they’re on the way out.  Only 18% are still saddling up in these boots.

Omiru’s take: Sienna Miller may have brought these riding boots to the city streets, but she’s since moved on…and so have we.  We’re still all over boots for Fall (who wouldn’t be), but leave this style back on the cattle ranch where it belongs.  Instead, opt for a more elegant, graceful boot that matches the elegance of Fall’s ladylike trends–think Grecian draping, capes and capelets, and opera-worthy gloves. 

Next Question: Amusing (and sometimes risqué), humor tees are a staple among Young Hollywood and are almost as universal as uber-processed denim.  Tell us, what do you think about these humor tees?  Are they
In, or are they Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

4 comments July 24th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Fur is OUT!

Omiru Poll Result: Fur is Out!

Fur is OUTWe asked: Is Fur In or Out?

You said: Without a doubt, fur is OUT.  The breakdown?  A full 73% are anti-Fur, 6% believe fur is on the way out.  Only 21% believe that wearing Fur is In.

Omiru’s take: Here at Omiru, we’re pro-Animal, and we think that fur is best worn by the animal it’s grown on–so we’ll skip the "How to Wear Fur" style tips.  In fact, we promoted cruelty-free products in our latest Friday Fashion Hotlist.   However, we also believe that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, so we’re not passing judgment on the pro-Fur 21%.  (We still love you too.)  It’s interesting to see the In-Out breakdown for this trend, especially since one of the big Fall 2006 trends (if you believe the runways) is Fur.  Makes us wonder what’s turning public opinion against wearing Fur.  Is it PETA?  Or is it something else?  We welcome your ideas, as always, in the comments.

Next Question: Boots are always huge for fall, but do you still love Cowboy boots?  Sure, they got a lot of play last year–but would you still wear them this year?  Tell us, what do you think about cowboy boots?  Are they In, or are they Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

4 comments July 17th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Plaid is In AND Out

Omiru Poll Result: Plaid is In And Out

PlaidWe asked: Is Plaid In or Out?

You said: Plaid is a mixed bag.  The breakdown?  40% are pro-Plaid, and 38% are anti-Plaid.  The remaining 22% believe the trend is already on the way out.

Omiru’s take: Plaid has that old school All American appeal–think of woodsy summers at camp between years at prep school in New Hampshire.  It’s one of those classic prints (where would Burberry be without plaid?) that’s always going to be around.  This season, however, plaid’s having a party, spreading beyond the prep school crowd.  While some like the distinctive print, some like it not.  We’d chalk up it’s "In" status to it’s classic roots.  But those who crashed the plaid party this season have realized that the A-listers have moved on.  Party over.

Next Question: We observed an anti-fur demonstration outside Neiman Marcus after yesterday’s Elevation Salon AIDS Walk fundraiser. Tell us, what do you think about fur?  Is it In, or is
it Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

3 comments July 10th, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: Eyelet is In (for Summer)!

Omiru Poll Result: Eyelet is In

Eyelet is InWe asked: Is Eyelet In or Out?

You said: Eyelet is in, at least for this season.  The breakdown?  67% are all for Eyelet.  25% believe the trend is already on the way out, and the remaining 8% voted it Out.

Omiru’s take: Eyelet is white hot right now (and even received a nod of approval from InStyle in the July issue), but we question how long its virginal innocence will captivate the flittering whims of the fashion elite.  We think eyelet is riding the coattails of the White trend we’ve been following.  That said, the coy cleanliness of eyelet still feels like a breath of fresh air.

Next Question: Plaid is showing it’s stripes everywhere–from men’s shorts to women’s blouses and jackets.  Tell us, what do you think about plaid?  Is it In, or is
it Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

In honor of the 4th of July holiday, Omiru will not be publishing tomorrow.  Enjoy the fireworks, and we’ll see you bright and early on Wednesday!

3 comments July 3rd, 2006

Omiru Poll Results: The Color White is IN!

Omiru Poll Result: The Color White is In

White DressWe asked: Is The Color White In or Out?

You said: Overwhelmingly, In!  The breakdown?  86% are enamored of the color, while only 2% voted it Out.  The remaining 12% believe White’s on the way Out.

Omiru’s take:
White’s clean appeal is fresh as the smell of laundry coming out of the dryer.  It’s simple in a way that somehow feels elegant, and the color’s versatility is unmatched.  Perhaps most importantly, the color White is a blank canvas, a foundation from which to create your new Favorite Outfit.

Next Question: Eyelet is a delicate fabric treatment characterized by small holes, finished around the edges.  It’s best framed in white–so it seems appropriate that our eyelet sightings have been accelerating in frequency.  Tell us, what do you think about eyelet?  Is it In, or is it Out?  Cast your vote on
the sidebar!

3 comments June 26th, 2006

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