Posts filed under 'Off Topic'

Apologies for the Downtime!

Dear Patient Omiru Readers,

My sincere apologies for today’s downtime!  There was a catastrophic disk failure on the computer that’s hosting Omiru.  Completely unexpected, and time consuming to fix.  Luckily, the guys over at Hostmonster were able to get the site back up and running this evening (minus 10 days worth of data, which I just fixed back up). 

Now that the site’s back up and running, we’re back to work on some great new stories for you this week, including a Designer Profile on a chic new(ish) men’s brand and a post about graduation fashion.  Stay tuned!

Trisha and the Omiru Team

May 13th, 2008

Week in Chic: Eco Chic Deals for Earth Day

Stewart Brown Hoodie from TobiWhile we take our weekend break, we want to introduce you to a few other high quality fashion blogs.  Here’s what’s going on for this Week in Chic:

A Few Goody Gumdrops says to get ahead in red in the Louis Vuitton French Riviera patent leather pumps.

Coquette loves dressing up in cute blouses for Spring.

Fashiontribes piles on the charming, non-cheesy craftsy jewelry.

I’m Not Obsessed shows you how to get Famke Janssen’s sunglasses for less.

Stylenotes features some eco-chic deals in honor of Earth Day.

The Coveted gets results with skincare superstars.

The Fashionable Housewife dishes on how to find hidden deals for just about anything. It’s Haggling 101!

Headed for a Botox party? Let this little tidbit from The Organic Beauty Expert go to your head!

Lux Lotus has a new philosophy and a new red carpet to roll out.

Supermodel Agyness Deyn knows that long dresses are not just for formal occasions observes V-Style.

Cute flats for under $100! The Fashion Bomb scrimps stylishly.

Cheap Jap advises white not to wear..and which white is right.

Fashion, evolved has a cute scissor graphic tee for your fave crafter or sewing nut.

Pictured: Stewart + Brown Gathered Hoodie | $176 at Tobi.

April 27th, 2008

Success! Software upgrade complete.

Hi everybody,

We just upgraded our blog software to the latest and greatest version.  Everything should be working the same, but let us know if you find something wonky. 

On a separate note, how do you like the changes we’ve made to Omiru in the last month?  There are still more improvements to come, but we’ve been working on diversifying our posts, adding more pictures (the #1 request we saw on our reader survey), and making sure we have men’s content every Wednesday.

-Trisha and the Omiru team

1 comment March 29th, 2008

Down for Maintenance on 3/1/08

Hi everybody,

We’re going to be doing some cleanup around here on Saturday afternoon, upgrading to the latest version of our blogging software and doing some general tidying up of the code.  Omiru will be down for maintenance for a few hours starting late tomorrow afternoon, and (if all goes well) we’ll be back up and running in the evening.

Have a great weekend–
Trisha and the Omiru Team

February 29th, 2008

5 Immediate Improvements to Omiru

Hi everybody,

You guys are awesome–100 of you responded to the reader survey in a record two days!  Here’s a quick summary of what you like best about Omiru–and what you think we can improve on:

You love Omiru for our…

  • Style Q&As
  • Trend Articles
  • Ready Made Outfits
  • Shopping Finds

And here’s where we have room for improvement…

  • Organization: Useful articles are buried, and they’re really hard to find.
  • Pictures:  In particular, more pictures are needed to illustrate answers to the Q&As.
  • Shopping Finds: Our shopping picks aren’t cheap enough overall, and the ones that are come from the same few places. 
  • Men’s Articles: Omiru has plenty of women’s articles, but there’s not enough here for the guys.  Plus, the guys don’t know when the men’s articles will be posted.
  • Polls (and Runway Reviews): They aren’t as useful as the Style Q&As, Trend Articles, and Ready Made Outfits.  Polls, in particular, could be better if they focused on emerging trends or trends that aren’t obviously In.

While our long-term improvement plan for Omiru is still in the works, we’ve identified a few changes we can make immediately.  Here’s five ways we can make Omiru better for you right away:

  • More Pictures: They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we’ll be adding more illustrations to our Q&As, trend articles, and of course, the ready made outfits.
  • More Men’s Articles: We’ll dedicate one day a week (Wednesday) to men’s articles.  We know this isn’t a lot, but on our priority list is expanding our men’s coverage further in the future. 
  • Refocused Poll: Instead of asking if something’s In or Out, we’ll ask whether you’d wear it or not.  Identifying which trends you actually want to wear (whether they’re in or not) is more relevant to "real style for real people" than figuring out which trends are In or Out.
  • More Reasonable Shopping Options: We’ll work on diversifying our shopping picks so they come from more stores–and where possible, we’ll lower the price point on the items that we do feature.
  • More How to Wear a Trend and Ready Made Outfit Articles: We’ll diversify our regular article selection beyond Style Q&As and the Polls.

The one caveat: in order to support our
new-and-improved article lineup, we’re going to have to throttle back
on our answers to your reader questions.  The team here will still be
answering as many questions as humanly possible, but unfortunately, we won’t be able to answer all of them.  If you already asked your question, though, we promise you an answer. 

As for longer term changes, the two most requested features are (1) a lookbook, and (2) a forum where you can ask and answer reader questions (especially since our question queue is super long right now, and a lot of you are waiting on answers from us!).  Consider both to be on our will-be-added-to-Omiru list.

Even though we’ve got the short term plan ironed out, we’re still working out the rest of the longer term changes to Omiru–so stay tuned.  Thanks again for your feedback and ideas!

Trisha and the Omiru Team

4 comments February 24th, 2008

What do you love (and hate) about Omiru?

It’s been an exciting start of 2008 for us here at Omiru.  First, we were nominated for Best Fashion Blog in the 2008 Fabbies Awards (if you’re so inclined–and don’t mind registering to vote, please cast a ballot for Omiru!).  Then Real Simple magazine, which we read religiously, named us one of the three best fashion blogs on the Internet.  But even more meaningful to us is the fan mail we’re getting from you guys.  We love you too! 

In all of this excitement, we’re not forgetting about our New Year’s promise to you: to make Omiru an even better place for you.  To make Omiru better, we first want to learn from you what you like–and what you don’t.  So we put together a short survey (6 questions, takes no longer than 5 minutes, promise!) for you to voice your opinion on what should stay, what we should add, and what should go. 

Help us create a better Omiru for you and take the 6-question survey.

Thanks in advance–
Trisha and the Omiru Team

UPDATE 2/24/08: Survey is now closed.  Thanks a ton for your feedback (and the overwhelming response to the survey)!  We’re reading through each and every one of your comments and in the process of figuring out what changes we can make to make Omiru better for you.  Stay tuned for more on that.  If there’s something else that you’d like to add (or didn’t get to take the survey), feel free to email us with comments and ideas at hello at omiru dot com. 

4 comments February 21st, 2008

Omiru Covers Fashion Week Fall 2008

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2008

It’s that time of year again: New York Fashion Week.  As usual, we’ll be covering Fashion Week straight from the tents at Bryant Park.  But this time around, we’ll be doing something a little different.  Instead of focusing on our trademark show reviews, we’ll be concentrating on trend analysisWe’ll still do some show reviews, but we’re going to be looking at Fashion Week from a meta level to bring you the trend information you need for next Fall and Winter.

While we gear up to start our Fall 2008 fashion coverage, check out our Top 5 Most Wearable Trends and our Top 5 Least Wearable Trends for Spring 2008.

Missing your fashion answer fix?  We’ll be returning to our regularly scheduled programming, providing answers
to your style questions, bright and early on Monday, February 11 (just in time for Valentine’s Day).  We’re diligently working though a very long list of excellent questions (which we’re answering in the order they came in), so thanks in advance for your patience!

3 comments February 1st, 2008

And…we’re back!

Dear Omiru Readers,

It’s been a long (and sleepless) couple of days, but I’m pleased to announce that we’re back up and running. 

What happened?
Our web hosting provider, Open Source Host, dropped our account without any advance warning on Wednesday afternoon.  Yup, that’s right.  No warning emails, no courtesy notices. Open Source Host claimed "high CPU usage," but they weren’t able to identify the source of the issue.   They were, however, very insistent that our account should stay shut down! Six phone calls, three support tickets, and no answers.

With no info to go on, we set out in search of a new hosting provider.  We’re now with HostMonster, and we’ve spent the last day and a half doing data migration and fixing bugs to bring the site back up.  We’re not all the way there yet–as you can see, we’re having some character issue problems, but we’re working on a fix for that as well.

Thanks for all of your support, your emails, and your offers to help.  We love you guys, and we’re looking forward to bringing you more fun fashion finds and style info in the months and years to come!

See you soon,
Trisha and the Omiru Team

Update: Just fixed the character encoding issue.  Time for sleep! (2:16am - 1/20/08)

2 comments January 19th, 2008

Game on, 2008!

We asked you to share with us your New Year’s Resolutions for 2008, and the responses were truly inspiring:

Jessica deemed 2008 "the year that things will get done," and vowed to set realistic resolutions, including brushing up on cooking and baking skills (yum).  
Mimi’s going to be looking fabulous for everyday outings, not just for special occasions.  Step one?  Getting rid of that ratty old hoodie!
Glennie’s all about Quality over Quantity and is going to build a foundation wardrobe full of good quality clothes (instead of trendy pieces that fall apart after two washes).
Anne, after finishing her thesis, will beautify her house by painting her living room…and is vowing to not flake on going to the gym three times a week.
Taylor’s taking a leap, living life to the fullest and not caring what other people think.
Lise will be spending more quality time with the girls, mixing up her fitness routine, and wearing clothes better tailored for her body.
Deann will be transforming her wardrobe for more grown-up looks.  She’s also going to read before bed instead of watching TV!

After reading your resolutions,
it seems to me that though our specific goals may be
different, we all kind of want the same thing: to dress better, to feel
healthier, to spend more time with loved ones, to be creative,
to do more (and to do it better).  And these things are aligned pretty
well with the founding mission of Omiru: to make your life better
through the power of style.  So as we approach our 3rd birthday, we’ll continue to be there for you with style advice, fashion tips, and more articles that will help you on your life (and style) journey.

Gifts for all of you, a thank you for sharing your hopes and goals with us…and an encouragement to keep these goals in mind past January.  Here’s to a happy, healthy, and productive 2008.  Game on!

January 3rd, 2008

Share your New Year’s Resolutions with us!

Wish Piece by REED SEIFER

Thank you, dear readers, for another delightfully stylish year together.

In the two years and nine months we’ve been making your life more stylish, we’ve brought you a host of ready made outfits (women | men) , trend reports (women | men) , fashion week runway reviews (women | men), and, of course, our signature Q&As (women | men).  In the years to come, we look forward to filling your life with more beautiful, wonderful things. 

A Year in Review post wouldn’t be complete without a New Year’s Resolution, and we have one that we can’t wait to get started on.  This year, we’re going to give Omiru a makeover to make it easier for you to find the style tips and tricks that you’re here for.

But what about you?  What are your goals for 2008?  Are you looking to be bolder with your fashion choices?  Will you be cleaning out your closet?  Are you, like us, looking for a whole fashion makeover?

We’re a strong believer that when you write something publicly, you’re much more likely to commit to doing it.  And we want to help!  So, whatever your goals are (fashion or otherwise), we’d be honored if you’d share them with the Omiru community.

If you’re so inclined, please share with us your 2008 goals.  To sweeten the deal, we’ll be sending a few of you a small gift in the mail…a little something to get you started on your 2008 journey.  We’ll let you know who’ll be receiving gifts on Wednesday, January 2, so please add your resolutions before then :)

To a stylish 2008!

Wish Pieces from Reed Seifer | $19.95 at Supermarket.  Go ahead and make some unselfish…and selfish…wishes!

9 comments December 31st, 2007

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