Posts filed under 'News'

5 Immediate Improvements to Omiru

Hi everybody,

You guys are awesome–100 of you responded to the reader survey in a record two days!  Here’s a quick summary of what you like best about Omiru–and what you think we can improve on:

You love Omiru for our…

  • Style Q&As
  • Trend Articles
  • Ready Made Outfits
  • Shopping Finds

And here’s where we have room for improvement…

  • Organization: Useful articles are buried, and they’re really hard to find.
  • Pictures:  In particular, more pictures are needed to illustrate answers to the Q&As.
  • Shopping Finds: Our shopping picks aren’t cheap enough overall, and the ones that are come from the same few places. 
  • Men’s Articles: Omiru has plenty of women’s articles, but there’s not enough here for the guys.  Plus, the guys don’t know when the men’s articles will be posted.
  • Polls (and Runway Reviews): They aren’t as useful as the Style Q&As, Trend Articles, and Ready Made Outfits.  Polls, in particular, could be better if they focused on emerging trends or trends that aren’t obviously In.

While our long-term improvement plan for Omiru is still in the works, we’ve identified a few changes we can make immediately.  Here’s five ways we can make Omiru better for you right away:

  • More Pictures: They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we’ll be adding more illustrations to our Q&As, trend articles, and of course, the ready made outfits.
  • More Men’s Articles: We’ll dedicate one day a week (Wednesday) to men’s articles.  We know this isn’t a lot, but on our priority list is expanding our men’s coverage further in the future. 
  • Refocused Poll: Instead of asking if something’s In or Out, we’ll ask whether you’d wear it or not.  Identifying which trends you actually want to wear (whether they’re in or not) is more relevant to "real style for real people" than figuring out which trends are In or Out.
  • More Reasonable Shopping Options: We’ll work on diversifying our shopping picks so they come from more stores–and where possible, we’ll lower the price point on the items that we do feature.
  • More How to Wear a Trend and Ready Made Outfit Articles: We’ll diversify our regular article selection beyond Style Q&As and the Polls.

The one caveat: in order to support our
new-and-improved article lineup, we’re going to have to throttle back
on our answers to your reader questions.  The team here will still be
answering as many questions as humanly possible, but unfortunately, we won’t be able to answer all of them.  If you already asked your question, though, we promise you an answer. 

As for longer term changes, the two most requested features are (1) a lookbook, and (2) a forum where you can ask and answer reader questions (especially since our question queue is super long right now, and a lot of you are waiting on answers from us!).  Consider both to be on our will-be-added-to-Omiru list.

Even though we’ve got the short term plan ironed out, we’re still working out the rest of the longer term changes to Omiru–so stay tuned.  Thanks again for your feedback and ideas!

Trisha and the Omiru Team

4 comments February 24th, 2008

What do you love (and hate) about Omiru?

It’s been an exciting start of 2008 for us here at Omiru.  First, we were nominated for Best Fashion Blog in the 2008 Fabbies Awards (if you’re so inclined–and don’t mind registering to vote, please cast a ballot for Omiru!).  Then Real Simple magazine, which we read religiously, named us one of the three best fashion blogs on the Internet.  But even more meaningful to us is the fan mail we’re getting from you guys.  We love you too! 

In all of this excitement, we’re not forgetting about our New Year’s promise to you: to make Omiru an even better place for you.  To make Omiru better, we first want to learn from you what you like–and what you don’t.  So we put together a short survey (6 questions, takes no longer than 5 minutes, promise!) for you to voice your opinion on what should stay, what we should add, and what should go. 

Help us create a better Omiru for you and take the 6-question survey.

Thanks in advance–
Trisha and the Omiru Team

UPDATE 2/24/08: Survey is now closed.  Thanks a ton for your feedback (and the overwhelming response to the survey)!  We’re reading through each and every one of your comments and in the process of figuring out what changes we can make to make Omiru better for you.  Stay tuned for more on that.  If there’s something else that you’d like to add (or didn’t get to take the survey), feel free to email us with comments and ideas at hello at omiru dot com. 

4 comments February 21st, 2008

Omiru Covers Fashion Week Fall 2008

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Fall 2008

It’s that time of year again: New York Fashion Week.  As usual, we’ll be covering Fashion Week straight from the tents at Bryant Park.  But this time around, we’ll be doing something a little different.  Instead of focusing on our trademark show reviews, we’ll be concentrating on trend analysisWe’ll still do some show reviews, but we’re going to be looking at Fashion Week from a meta level to bring you the trend information you need for next Fall and Winter.

While we gear up to start our Fall 2008 fashion coverage, check out our Top 5 Most Wearable Trends and our Top 5 Least Wearable Trends for Spring 2008.

Missing your fashion answer fix?  We’ll be returning to our regularly scheduled programming, providing answers
to your style questions, bright and early on Monday, February 11 (just in time for Valentine’s Day).  We’re diligently working though a very long list of excellent questions (which we’re answering in the order they came in), so thanks in advance for your patience!

3 comments February 1st, 2008

Omiru on Yahoo! Health’s Capessa

Capessa Logo
Announcing the launch of Capessa on Yahoo! Health, a community of real women telling real stories. 

You’ll find stories on anything and everything from health and fitness to relationships to beauty and style.  And you’ll find me talking about Style for All Shapes and Sizes

2 comments January 6th, 2008

Winter Fashion Advice from Omiru on SheZoom

What to Wear this Winter? As always, Omiru has you covered. Check us out on SheZoom, where we’re sharing our Top 5 Flattering Winter Trends for every body type.

2 comments December 9th, 2007

Introducing the Omiru Gift Guide 2007!

Omiru Gift Guide 2007

Happy Holidays, all! 

This week, we’re debuting our Holiday Gift Guide on our shopping blog.  Check back often for our top gift picks for everyone on your shopping list–from your best friend to your boyfriend to your boss. 

Visit the Holiday Gift Guide now!

November 18th, 2007

What to Do NY: Lucky Shops

Lucky ShopsGo on a shopping spree at Lucky Shops, a shopping event hosted by LUCKY Magazine. Shop Lucky’s favorite designers and shops at up to 70% off retail, enjoy complimentary cocktails in the lounge, and pick up a gift bag (worth $100+) packed with products and samples.

A percentage of the event’s proceeds will go to Baby Buggy, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing New York City’s families in need with essential equipment, clothing, and products for their infants and young children. 

Lucky Shops
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street (between 6th and 7th Avenues)
New York City
Friday, October 26, 12 pm - 7 pm
Saturday, October 27, 10 am - 7 pm

Purchase Tickets:
Friday - $75/ticket in advance, $85/ticket at the door
Saturday - $40/ticket in advance, $45/ticket at the door

October 18th, 2007

Omiru Covers New York Fashion Week Spring 2008

New York Fashion Week Spring 2008

Summer may be ending, but New York Fashion Week is just beginning. As usual, we’ll be covering Fashion Week straight from the tents at Bryant Park.  Check back often for our trademark show reviews and trend roundups!

While we gear up to start our Spring 2008 fashion coverage, check out our Fall 07 Fashion Week writeups, including our Top 5 Wearable Womenswear Trends and our Top 5 Wearable Menswear Trends.

Missing your fashion answer fix?  We’ll be returning to our regularly scheduled programming, providing answers to your style questions, bright and early on Monday, September 17.  FYI–for those of you who have already have questions in queue, we’re a little backlogged, but we’re diligently working through the list (and will continue to do this during Fashion Week).  Thanks for your patience!

1 comment September 5th, 2007

Still looking for the Perfect Father’s Day Gift?

MALIN+GOETZ Essentials Bag

We’ve got you covered.

All week, we’ll be featuring our top picks for Father’s Day gifts on our shopping blog, just in time for the last minute shopper. 

Want a sneak peek?  Today’s pick (pictured) is a MALIN+GOETZ’s Essentials Gift Set, only $30 at AzaleaSF.

June 4th, 2007

Omiru covers Fall 2007 Copenhagen Fashion Week

Munthe plus Simonsen Fall 2007 RunwayOmiru is pleased to bring you a touch of Scandinavian style with coverage of Copenhagen Fashion Week, Fall 2007.  Check back over the next couple of days for our signature show reviews and a comprehensive trend report.

Introducing our two Copenhagen-based guest contributors, Priyanka Ghosh and Julie Gulfer!

Priyanka Ghosh has the mind of a political scientist and the soul of a fashionista. When she is not trapped in the Danish libraries researching her Fulbright thesis on Euroskepticism (she’s not sure what it is either), she is wandering along the canals of Copenhagen, soothing her soul with Miss Sixty jeans, shoes from Friis and Company, Karen Millen dresses, cheap accessories from Vero Moda and uber-chic pieces from Tiger of Sweden that she can’t afford but buys anyway.

Julie Gufler, a native of Denmark, is studying literature and modern art and culture at the University of Copenhagen. When not studying or spending time with friends in the cafes of Copenhagen, she’s a freelance writer, producing articles on fashion, contemporary art and literature.

Pictured: Munthe plus Simonsen, Fall 2007 collection.

2 comments March 10th, 2007

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