You Said: No to Jeggings
May 31st, 2010

We asked: Would you wear Jeggings?
You said: No to Jeggings, with a 59% to 41% vote.
Style tip? Jeggings, the fashion phenomenon at the intersection of jeans and leggings, have been surprisingly popular this season. Though you said No to Jeggings, they received a surprisingly high 41% Yes vote, given the extremity of the style. How to wear jeggings? Riding on the popularity of skinny jeans, these uber-skinny jeggings can be worn in a similar fashion. We like them paired with long, blousy tops and heels for a long, lean look.
Next question: We’re inspired by Blair Waldorf’s headwear this week. Headscarves feel so breezy chic, especially for summer. But what do you think? Tell us, would you wear a hairscarf? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Bleach Knitted Jeggings | $70 at Topshop.
Entry Filed under: Trend,Trend Predictives,Trendscape,Trendscape,What's In and What's Out,Women
1. Nuria | June 1st, 2010 at 2:31 am
I´ve found that the jeggings in Blanco are far softer than 89% of the skinny jeans I own or I´ve tried in shops. They don´t block the blood in my legs and make less wrinkles so it´s a great finding for me!
2. Z FASHION BLOG | June 1st, 2010 at 11:41 pm
I love skinny jeans and jeggings!
I think the photo you guys posted doesn’t do them justice and that’s why more people voted against them..
3. AbraCat | June 2nd, 2010 at 5:36 am
I would love to wear headscarves, but they won’t stay in my hair. I don’t know if the material is too slippery, or what– does anyone have any tips for keeping them in place?
4. Christine | June 2nd, 2010 at 1:58 pm
Hate to say it, Omiru, but I think you’re kind of behind the curve on the jeggings thing. Actually I have my suspicions that a more wide leg/ flare silhouette is on its way back in for jeans. (Just when I have finally got two really good pairs of skinnies.)
5. Becca | June 2nd, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I’m not so much opposed to the idea of jeggings as much as the word – why do people always have to combine everything into a “trendy” name?! (Shooties immediately comes to mind. Argh.)
6. Z FASHION BLOG | June 5th, 2010 at 12:05 am
Have to agree with you Becca.
The word “jeggings” sounds weird to me too