You Said: Yes to Polka Dots
January 5th, 2010

We asked: Would you wear Polka Dots?
You said: Yes to Polka Dots, with a 81% to 19% vote.
Style tip? Polka dots are feeling feminine and fresh this season, from the classic blue and white mini dot pattern to bolder, bigger, and brighter patterns. An easy way to bring these dots into your wardrobe is to add an accessory - an umbrella, handbag, or scarf. (Or keep your love of polka dots private with dotted undergarments.) But if you’re up for a style challenge, why not try two different types of polka dots in the same outfit? If you combine big dots on one piece with small dots on the other, the pair will harmonize without feeling too matchy-matchy.
Next question: Leopard print jackets, scarves, and tops have stalked their way from the runway to the stores. But what do you think? Tell us, would you wear leopard print? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Spot Double Breasted Playsuit | $90 at Topshop.
Entry Filed under: Trend,Trend Predictives,Trendscape,Trendscape,What's In and What's Out,Women
1. the clothing menu | January 6th, 2010 at 7:33 am
i’m excited for polka dots in the spring! you could even be really bold and mix polka dots with stripes or floral.
2. Sally | January 6th, 2010 at 7:42 am
Absolutely! In fact, I just nabbed a vintage leopard print coat on eBay.
3. Mimi | January 6th, 2010 at 11:01 am
As it turns out, I’m wearing a polka dot dress tonight, and a leopard print one tomorrow night!
4. dannial | January 22nd, 2010 at 6:01 am
I’d say yes myself to this beautiful lovely dot dress
5. Judy | May 9th, 2010 at 12:11 am
Yes, my vote was one of those 81%
The black dress with white tiny sports on it looks great