You Said: No to Harem Pants

We asked: Would you wear Harem Pants?
You said: An overwhelming No to Harem Pants, with a 90% to 10% vote.
Style tip? Harem Pants - you either love them, or you hate them. Hardly do we see a fashion trend that’s so polarizing, perhaps because it’s almost anti-fashion. You don’t wear harem pants for figure flattery, or because they’re pretty. You wear them to make a fashion statement. If you dare to make that style statement, we recommend pairing your voluminous harem pants with something more streamlined (or at least drapey, to reduce the volume) up top.
Next question: Polka Dots provide visual texture in the form of a pretty pattern. But they can be too cute, especially when done too large or too small. But what do you think? Tell us, would you wear polka dots? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Foldover Harem Pant | $17.80 at Forever 21.
3 comments December 20th, 2009