Q&A: What to Wear to a Winter Graduation
Q: I’m going to be graduating from college this December. Usually one can find all kinds of style tips for graduation in the spring, but I’m graduating a semester early, and now I’m just a little confused about what to wear. I go to Texas A&M University, so I’m predicting it to be relatively cold (40s-50s), but I want to look sophisticated and skinny. My question is, what should I wear for a December graduation? I’m 5′ 10" and weigh about 165, with most of my weight in the hips & thighs.

A: Graduation, whether it’s in the Spring or the Winter, is a time to celebrate, and a rite of passage for you as you blossom into your adult self. You can show your family and friends that you’re a grown up in a sophisticated dress or blouse and skirt combination. But as it’s going to be cold out, you’ll want to dress in layers so that you can adjust to the temperatures inside and out.
To flatter your figure, choose a dress (or skirt) that skims over your hips. Wrap styles will work well, as will empire waist dresses and moderate a-line shaped skirts. To draw attention upward, try a dress with an open neckline - or show some skin on your shoulders or arms. J Crew’s silk taffeta bow monde dress will flatter your lower body while drawing attention up towards your upper body and face.
Since it’s cold out, layer up. Slip on a sweater on top (note: cashmere is extra warm), and try a pair of pantyhose or tights and closed-toe pumps to help keep your legs and feet warm. Finish off the look with a stunning overcoat - and a bright smile.
What would you wear to a winter graduation? Share your style with us in the comments!
7 comments December 4th, 2009