How to Wear Brightly Colored Pants

What’s the key to wearing brightly colored pants? Pair them with a top in a complementary color - and then fill out the rest of the outfit with neutrals. That way, you build the outfit around the pants and work them seamlessly into your look. Here’s how to wear brightly colored pants:
1. Start with a pair of brightly colored pants. We chose a pair of mustard cords to build the look around.
2. Choose a top in a complementary color. This lace trim camisole in dusty blue pairs beautifully with the mustard cords.
3. Finish off the outfit with neutral pieces and accessories: a cream colored turtleneck cardigan (which also adds texture), and a buckled handbag and flat boots in shades of brown.
How would you wear brightly colored pants? Share your style with us in the comments!
6 comments October 7th, 2009