How to Wear Purple

No matter how popular the color becomes, purple still tends to strike fear in the hearts of (some) men. Dust off your worries of wearing what some may consider a feminine color–and remember that purple was worn proudly by men before it was co-opted by the fairer sex. Here’s Omiru’s primer on how to wear purple for men:
1. Start with a basic foundation: a fitted button-down shirt in white, and a pair of grey jeans.
2. Layer on a purple cardigan, allowing the white of the button-down to shine through. Note the grey cuffs on the cardigan, which tie in nicely to the grey jeans.
3. Finish off the outfit with a brown belt and loafers. The brown contrasts nicely with the purple; together, they all feel richer.
How would you wear purple? Share your style with us in the comments!
4 comments July 21st, 2009