Archive for April, 2009
Your job may require you to limit your fashion choices, but you can still express your personal style. You just need to be creative about how you do it. Here, we show you how to dress up a basic foundation outfit with statement accessories:
1. Start with conservative foundations: a drapey knit blouse and a pair of twill trouser pants.
2. Add a tailored, belted trench to look instantly pulled together.
3. Against the backdrop of conservative blacks, greys, and blues, be bold with your accessories. Here, we experimented with both color and pattern. The herringbone tote jazzes up the solids, while the cherry red shoes add a zing to the otherwise dark outfit.
How do you accessorize your work clothes? Share your style with us in the comments!
April 23rd, 2009

We’re digging the vintage feel of this contrast placket cardigan. Pair it with everything from jeans to trouser pants.
$29.99 (sale) at J Crew.
April 23rd, 2009
Q: White jeans for men seems to be kind of on-trend right now, and I’m just wondering how you suggest wearing them.
A: You’re completely right - white jeans is a fresh look for men, and while white jeans are tough to keep clean, the effort can pay off in spades. Here’s three simple ways to work white jeans into your wardrobe:
Option 1: White Jeans + Pullover Sweater
Go simple by pairing your white jeans with a simple pullover sweater. You can go with deep, vibrant colors like the royal blue shown - or try lighter colors like heather grey or baby blue for a quietly sophisticated look.
Option 2: White Jeans + Bold Polo Shirt
For casual days, you can look instantly pulled together in a striped polo shirt and a crisp white pair of jeans. To polish off the look (but at the same time keeping it casual), add a belt and a pair of tailored sneakers.
Option 3: White Jeans + Collared Shirt + Cardigan Sweater
For effortless elegance, pair your white denim with a well fitted collared button-down shirt - and then layer on a textured sweater. We’re digging the look of a textured shawl collared cardigan against the woven button-down shirt - plus the interplay of the grey, the pinkish red and white stripes, and the white jeans. Finish off the look with a belt and a pair of driving mocs.
Last thoughts? Do be meticulous about keeping your white jeans spotless. Nothing ruins the white jeans look faster than a smudge or a spot.
Have a great tip about how to wear white jeans? Share it with us in the comments!
April 22nd, 2009

Add a masculine touch to your feminine Spring dress with this tailored linen vest.
$27.99 at Ruche.
April 22nd, 2009
Q: I am going to Germany at the end of May and would like to know what I should wear. I’m sure I’ll do a lot of walking. I want to keep my personal style, but want to be comfortable without looking like a tourist.

Pictured: Berlin Street Fashion, courtesy of Still in Berlin.
by Colleen Geary, fashion stylist and image consultant
A: The weather may still be cool (and perhaps rainy) in Germany at the end of May, so be prepared for daytime temperatures from the 50s up into the 70s. Layering will be your friend; you’ll be able to take off layers as each day warms up to regulate your temperature throughout the day.
Outerwear: Bring a tailored trench and a nice lightweight jacket to keep you warm (and dry).
Tops: An assortment of long and short sleeve knit tops will travel well. Choose styles that have a "twist" to them - German style appreciates the small details that make an outfit special. Also pack a couple of layering sweaters in different styles and weights.
Bottoms: Pack trouser pants, jeans and walking shorts that are at least knee-length. Note that jeans in Germany can be very expensive - I’ve seen Levi’s priced at over $100. To be safe, bring your own from home. You may also want to bring a skirt to round out your bottoms wardrobe.
Dresses: Pack a dress or two; you’ll need to dress up for any evenings of fine dining.
Accessories: Since it may rain, don’t forget an umbrella or rain slicker - and bring extra pairs of comfy walking shoes (preferably rainproof ones). A pair of sunglasses and a chic scarf will round out your accessories wardrobe.
Last thoughts? So as to fit in, you may want to pack more neutrals. In my experience, German style features more earth tones and black than does American style. But then again, you do see bright colors as well - so it’s not a hard and fast rule.
Have a great tip about what to wear in Germany? Share it with us in the comments!
April 21st, 2009

Here’s a great pair of straight leg white jeans at an equally wonderful price. Thanks, Gary, for the tip!
$19.99 (sale) at J Crew.
April 21st, 2009
We asked: Would you wear Patterned Shorts?
You said: Maybe to Patterned Shorts, with an even 50% to 50% vote.
Style tip? Shorts come in all kinds of wonderful patterns - from simple stripes and dots to beautiful florals. One of our all-time favorites are the patchwork styles of Madras shorts. These brightly colored shorts are the perfect warm-weather item. Pair them with solid colored tops; for a pulled together look, try wearing a top in a color pulled from the shorts. Works just as well for guys as it does for women.
Next question: Oversized handbags hold all of your stuff - but they can be a bit unwieldly to handle. But what do you think? Would you tote an Oversized Handbag? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Sunset Patchwork Madras Bermuda Short | $68 at J Crew.
April 20th, 2009

Get ready for swim season with this stylish tunic cover-up.
$24.50 at Old Navy.
April 20th, 2009
One simple way to pull a work outfit together is to build upon a monochromatic foundation, and then play with color with your accessories. Here’s how to build an outfit around a single dominant color:
1. Start with a blouse and a unstructured skirt in different shades of the same color. Notice how the light blue shirt plays off the deeper royal blue skirt.
2. Layer on a sweatervest in a third shade of the same color. The navy blue sweatervest contrasts with both the light blue shirt and the royal blue skirt, but the trio works as a visual group.
3. Toss on a trenchcoat to protect yourself from cool mornings and evenings - and the rain.
4. Accessorize with complementary colors: a sage green pair of flirty heels and a bright orange handbag. We’re loving the contrasting colors against the monochromatic blue foundation.
How would you build an outfit around color? Share your style with us in the comments!
April 17th, 2009

Looking for the perfect sandal to pair with Spring dresses? Look no further.
$39.50 at Gap.
April 17th, 2009
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