Spring Summer Fashion Formula #5: Be Bold with Accessories (Especially at Work)

Your job may require you to limit your fashion choices, but you can still express your personal style. You just need to be creative about how you do it. Here, we show you how to dress up a basic foundation outfit with statement accessories:
1. Start with conservative foundations: a drapey knit blouse and a pair of twill trouser pants.
2. Add a tailored, belted trench to look instantly pulled together.
3. Against the backdrop of conservative blacks, greys, and blues, be bold with your accessories. Here, we experimented with both color and pattern. The herringbone tote jazzes up the solids, while the cherry red shoes add a zing to the otherwise dark outfit.
How do you accessorize your work clothes? Share your style with us in the comments!
3 comments April 23rd, 2009