Mens Spring Summer Fashion Formula #2: Pull an Outfit Together with a Dominant Color

One of the secrets of looking pulled together is to sport an outfit with a dominant theme. This theme can be anything from a color or pattern to an era in time. Here, we’ve constructed a breezily sophisticated menswear outfit, sewn together with blue as a dominant color and brown as the secondary accent color.
1. Start with a pair of dark rinse blue jeans and a blue button-down shirt. The gingham print on the blue shirt adds a bit of visual texture without being overly distracting.
2. Toss on a light blue pullover sweater. Note how the light blue color contrasts nicely with the dark blue jeans - and is visually distinct from the gingham blue shirt. The three blues work in harmony with one another.
3. Finish off the look by adding shades of brown - in the form of a khaki trench and a rich brown oxford shoe. Brown provides a rich counterpoint to the cool blues and rounds out the outfit visually.
Guys, what’s your favorite color to build a look around? Share your style with us in the comments!
2 comments April 8th, 2009