Fall Winter Fashion Formula #10: Create Drama with (Almost) Complementary Colors
Basic color theory states that complementary colors on opposite sides of the color wheel, when paired together, visually Pop. Red and green appear brighter together than they do apart. So does purple and yellow, blue and orange. But these color pairings can feel a bit too basic (not to mention holiday-themed). How do you get the benefit of the color Pop without framing your outfit around these basic color combinations? Simple. Just pair colors that are almost opposite of each other on the color wheel. Here’s the almost-complementary-color rule in action:
1. Start with neutrals: a grey drapey blouse and a black and white textured pencil skirt.
2. Adding to the neutral base, slip on a pair of grey tights and a pair of black boots. If you’re feeling it, you can also try wearing a neutral colored headband.
3. Layer on the color: a gorgeous green overcoat and a bright orange textured clutch. Remember, red and green are opposites on the color wheel - but move one shade over from red and you get orange. You get most of the visual Pop, but none of the Christmas associations of the red-green pairing.
What’s your favorite color pairing? Share your style with us in the comments!
4 comments March 6th, 2009