Ready Made Outfit: Black and White with Rain All Over

Renee, who’s moving to the Pacific Northwest (hello, rain!), asked us for recommendations for stylish rain wear. In a nutshell, our philosophy on rainwear is to balance style with comfort (e.g. staying dry and warm). It’s a balance, not a tradeoff–when it’s rainy out, it doesn’t mean that your style needs to stay in. Here’s a simple look, appropriate for the rains of the Pacific Northwest, that will keep you both stylish and comfy:
1. The key to this outfit is comfy layers. Your first layer? A simple base: a comfy knit shirt and a nice knee-length skirt. (If it’s really cold, add a pair of tights or leggings to this base layer.)
2. To keep warm in the rain, you’re going to need a cozy sweater. Here, we chose a thick knit sweater with a stylish toggle closure. Extra style points (and warmth) for the attached hood.
3. Finish off the outfit with a warm pair of rain boots (notice the knit cuff on these jersey-lined boots, only $29.99 at Target), a rain-resistant bag, and a clear plastic bubble umbrella ($16.99, also at Target).
What’s your go-to rain outfit? Share your style with us in the comments!
4 comments November 14th, 2008