Omiru Poll Result: No to Giant Jewelry

We asked: Would you wear Giant Jewelry?
You said: Probably Not. A slight majority (57% of you) wouldn’t wear Giant Jewelry.
Style tip? If you’re going to wear Giant Jewelry, be aware of your own proportions. If you’re tiny, you’ll have to take extra care so that your jewelry doesn’t overwhelm your figure. Giant, chunky necklaces are on-trend, but oversized bracelets (like the cuff shown) are going to be easier to wear. Last tip? Make your Giant Jewelry the centerpiece of your outfit by displaying it on a plain canvas of simple silhouettes.
Next question: Espadrilles are a classic summer shoe, but this year, Gladiator Sandals are taking center stage. But what do you think? Tell us, would you wear Gladiator Sandals? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Rippled Antique Cuff | $6.80 at Forever 21.
July 21st, 2008