You Said: No to Bubble Jackets

We asked: Would you wear Bubble Jackets?
You said: No to Bubble Jackets, which got only 26% of the vote.
Style tip? Bubble jackets can work for certain figure types, but they’re tough to wear for others. If you have wide shoulders and narrow hips, a bubble shaped jacket will help balance out your figure. For the opposite (narrow shoulders and wide hips), however, bubble jackets will do more harm than good for your figure. If Bubble Jackets work for your figure, we recommend checking out the lovely (and affordable) pictured Bubble Jacket at Target..
Next question: The weather’s starting to warm up, and soon we’ll be making the transition from long pants to shorts. And some may dare to go one step further with Short Shorts. But what do you think? Tell us, would you wear Short Shorts? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Bubble Skirt Trench Coat | $69.99 at Target.
4 comments April 21st, 2008