Q&A: How to Dress for a Special Occasion Pool Party
April 8th, 2008
Q: I am attending an engagement pool party. Since I live in a sub-tropic climate, it already feels like summer. How do I combine an outfit for an engagement party with one for a pool party?
by Colleen Geary, fashion stylist and image consultant
A: Dressing for an engagement party and dressing for a pool party sound like wildly different things, but you can combine pieces from each one in order to create an outfit that works for both. When creating your outfit, your first order of business is to dress for a special occasion. Even though it’s a pool party, you want to dress in a way that respects the special celebration. Then, taking into account the climate (sub-tropic) and venue (a pool), you’ll tailor your outfit for fun–and swimming.
The base of your outfit will be your swimsuit. Choose a suit worthy of a special occasion–one with special detailing, such as arched cutouts or metal fastenings. On top of your swimsuit, add a sarong that’s pretty enough to serve as a cocktail dress–and large enough to cover your swimsuit in a sophisticated fashion. When you’re not swimming, wear a pair of strappy sandals (but carry an extra pair of flip flops in your tote bag).
Should the party be a more formal affair, we recommend a brightly colored, breezy dress over your swimsuit, paired with a sparkly necklace for an extra dash of formality.
Last tip? Don’t forget a pair of oversized sunglasses (oh so dramatic) and a bottle of sunscreen!
Have a great tip about how to dress up for a special occasion pool party? Share it with us in the comments!
Entry Filed under: Q&A,Ready Made Outfits,Women,Women's
1. Janet | April 16th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
The invitation should preferably tell you whether to wear swimwear or not. If it doesn’t say swimwear I’d just dress up like for any engagement party, just making sure that I’ve a dress that won’t get see-through, just expect to get wet and bring a bag of clothes along so that I can get home afterwards. If the hosts haven’t asked for it I think I’d feel uncomfortable going to something as formal as an engagement party in swimwear! But it all depends on what kind of a party that they want of course.
2. may | May 3rd, 2008 at 11:09 pm
It depends on what kind of a party .