Omiru Poll Result: Oversized Handbags are In!

We asked: Are Oversized Handbags In or Out?
You said: In, with 60% of the popular vote.
Omiru’s take: Not a big surprise. The hottest handbags now are not only big–but also boldly colored with the acid brights of the season.
Style tip? Choose an oversized handbag appropriate to your size. If you’re petite, you’re not going to want to carry the giant hobo bag that your 6 ft counterpart is hauling around. Oh, and even though you have plenty of room in your bag, keep the stuff in your bag to a minimum. Better for your back, and it’s just good habit for when bags go small again.
Next question:
Just for fun: Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? Cast your
vote on the sidebar (and feel free to leave comments about your favorite gifts here).
Pictured: MAXX NEW YORK ‘Fenway’ Patent Bowler | $148 at Nordstrom.
December 26th, 2007