Omiru Poll Result: Plaid is IN!

We asked: Is Plaid In or Out?
You said: In, with 60% of the popular vote.
Omiru’s take: Like we’ve said, we’ve had our qualms about plaid, but we’re really warming up to it this season. There’s something so rich about the bold pattern and the great shirts that are in stores this season.
Style tip? For women, look for feminine detailing (e.g. ruffles, pleating) to soften the look. For men, create an outfit around the plaid pattern, pairing it with simple pieces–such as dark denim. Want more tips? Check out John’s article about How to Wear Flannel Stylishly and Trisha’s How to Wear a Plaid Shirt Without Looking Like a Man.
Next question: The Handbag: Just as hemlines rise and fall, it goes from big to small, small to big. But what’s your preference? Tell us, are Oversized Handbags In,
or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: John Varvatos Cotton Plaid Sportshirt | $134.90 (sale) at Saks Fifth Avenue.
December 17th, 2007