Omiru Poll Result: Cigarette Pants are In!
November 26th, 2007

We asked: Are Skinny Cigarette Pants In or Out?
You said: In, with the majority (52%) of the popular vote.
Omiru’s take: Though Wide Legged Trousers are making waves this Fall, Skinny Cigarette Pants are also making a splash. While they’re tough to wear if you don’t have long, lean legs, they do look smashing paired with a more voluminous top for a big-over-small look.
Style tip?
For the longest, leanest look, pair cigarette pants with a tall heel in a similar color. We love grey cigarette pants paired with a checkered grey heel.
Next question: You’re into Skinny Cigarette Pants–but are you also into pairing them with voluminous Swing Coats? Tell us, are Swing Coats In,
or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: J Brand Cigarette Stretch Leg Jean | $159 at Shopbop.
Entry Filed under: Trend,Trend Predictives,What's In and What's Out,Women
1. Mimi | November 26th, 2007 at 9:53 pm
Not sure how I feel about skinny pants– mainly due to these hips I have. I’ll try on a few pairs with some bigger tops and see how it looks. I’m always surprised at how your site changes my mind about what I think I like and think I look good in.
Earlier this year, you got me wearing yellow! (I never liked yellow before!)
2. Trisha | November 27th, 2007 at 1:40 am
It’s OK–skinny pants aren’t for everybody. I personally can’t wear them. My legs are too short and my hips too wide, alas.
I like the look of them on other people though
3. kamo | November 28th, 2007 at 7:08 am
i’m just glad there’s a bigger variety of silhouettes in jeans an the moment, with skinnies, wide leg, and even flares (look at kate moss) being relatively accepted. i happen to love cigarette jeans, but for a while there is was SKINNY PANTS ONLY.