Omiru Poll Result: Pleated Trousers are Out!

We asked: Are Pleated Trousers In or Out?
You said: Out, with 54% of the vote casting the ballot towards Out and another 11% voting them On the Way Out.
Omiru’s take: Pleated Pants get a bad rep for their unflattering silhouette–they tend to visually add 5 pounds with their extra folds of fabric around the waistline. For this reason, flat front pants are gaining in popularity for both men and women.
Style tip? For women, if you do decide to don the pleated pants, make them part of a menswear-as-womenswear look. As for men, pleated pants do actually have their place. Traditional Italian suits feature pleated pants–and if you’re going for that look, pleats are actually preferred.
Next question: After seasons of tailored skirts and body-hugging pencil skirts, Full Skirts are making a fashion comeback. But what
do you think? Tell us, is The Full Skirt In,
or is it Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Nordstrom Pleated Gabardine Wool Trousers | $95 at Nordstrom.
2 comments November 12th, 2007