Omiru Poll Result: The Puffy Coat is Out!

We asked: Are Puffy Coats In or Out?
You said: Out. Only 32% voted The Puffy Coat In, with the remaining 68% voting it Out or On the Way Out.
Omiru’s take: While The Puffy Coat is a cold-weather staple, it’s not necessarily the most figure flattering look. Structured wool or cashmere coats provide a more sophisticated look for tackling the cold–but the nylon puffer jacket is a more playful, sporty alternative.
Style tip? The key to wearing the Puffy Jacket is wearing one that’s puffy–but not Too puffy. If the jacket makes you look like the Michelin man, put it back on the rack.
Next question: With all of the menswear-as-womenswear inspired outfits, Pleated Trousers came back into the fashion mix. But what
do you think about Pleated Trousers? Tell us, are Pleated Trousers In,
or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Add Down Belted Puffer Jacket | $442 at Shopbop.
1 comment November 5th, 2007