Omiru Poll Result: The Color Orange is IN!

We asked: Is The Color Orange In or Out?
You said: In, with 66% of the vote.
Omiru’s take: Red is so often in the limelight, but its cousin Orange doesn’t get the same love. Orange is a great way to spice up a fall wardrobe–for both men and women. If you’re daring, try an overcoat or a dress in Orange. But if you’re just looking to experiment, start small with a scarf, pair of gloves, or even a handbag.
Style tip? Orange really pops when juxtaposed against the greys of the season, but it also pairs excellently with shades of blue.
Next question: Gloves, both long and short, are all over the runways…and the fashion glossies. But
what do you think? Tell us, are Gloves In,
or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Ambition Long Sleeve Trench Coat | $78 at Nordstrom.
7 comments October 15th, 2007