Omiru Poll Result: Leather Jackets are IN

We asked:Is The Leather Jacket In or Out?
You said: In! A whopping 68% majority voted The Leather Jacket In.
Omiru’s take: The Leather Jacket is one of those silhouettes that never really goes out of style. Good thing, since it’s expensive to buy a well made jacket. Should you decide to go leather, buy a ruggedly classic style that you can wear year in and year out. Style tip? Contrast your downtown chic leather jacket with a dress–or top with feminine detailing. Or keep it simple and pair the jacket with a white tee and a pair of grey jeans, as pictured.
Next question: Boots are a perennial fall footwear favorite, but what do you think about boots that end at the ankle? Tell us, are Ankle Boots In, or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Theory Nyree Leather Jacket | $875 at Shopbop.
2 comments August 27th, 2007