Omiru Poll Result: The One-Shouldered Dress is Out!

We asked:Is The One-Shouldered Dress In or Out?
You said: Out! 42% of you voted the One-Shouldered dress Out, and another 26% voted it On the Way Out.
Omiru’s take: While starlets are dolling themselves up with the one-shouldered dress for the red carpet, we’re leaving this trend on the rack. Sure, it’s as dramatic as it is elegant–but the one-shouldered dress is a tough one for figure flattery. Style tip? Should you decide to try the one-shouldered dress, head to the gym to tone up your upper arms.
Next Question: We’re still feeling the summer heat, but we’re also looking to build our wardrobes for fall. One way to bridge the seasons style-wise is with the Short Sleeved Jacket. But what do you
think? Tell us, is the Short Sleeved Jacket In, or is it Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: YAYA AFLALO Fans Noir Dress | $99 (sale) at Shopbop.
August 13th, 2007