Omiru Poll Results: Square Shaped Jackets are In
May 28th, 2007

We asked: Are Square Jackets In or Out?
You said: Square Jackets are In with 62% of the vote.
Omiru’s take: We love the look of the Square Jacket–it’s so 1960s without feeling overly anachronistic. Style tip? This summer, wear your Square Jacket with a skirt–or even shorts, like the model pictured at left. But don’t put the jacket away at the end of summer. Layer it over a series of knit tops–and a fitted pair of jeans come fall.
Next Question: Our friends at Couture in the City have taken notice of the Black and White celebrity fashion trend. But what do
you think? Tell us, is Black and White In, or is it Out? Cast your
vote on
the sidebar!
Pictured:Diane von Furstenberg Laurus Jacquard Jacket | $425 at Shopbop.
Entry Filed under: Trend,Trend Predictives,What's In and What's Out,Women