Omiru Poll Results: Oversized Sunglasses are Still In!

We asked: Are Oversized Sunglasses In or Out?
You said: Oversized Sunglasses are still In–a 52% majority voted this eyewear trend In.
Omiru’s take: Interestingly enough, Oversized Sunglasses gained slightly in popularity over the last year. Last June, only 48% of Omiru readers voted Oversized Sunglasses In, compared to this year’s 52%. It had seemed that this eyewear trend was On the Way Out–but it has had surprisingly strong staying power. Style tip? If you have a round face, look for a more angular style to complement your face shape. The converse also applies–if you have an angular (square or heart shaped) face, look for rounder lens styles.
Next Question: With the weather warming up, it’s time to break out Spring clothes. But with dresses (and skirts) so hot this season, are shorts getting any love? What do you think? Tell us, are Shorts In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Oversized Sunglasses| $5.80 at Forever 21.
May 14th, 2007