Q&A: How to Shop for an Everyday Handbag
Q: How do I choose a high quality handbag for everyday use?
is pleased to bring you the answer to this style question from Ken Williams, the designer behind the
classic handbag line Retrodelic.
A: Look for a bag that…
1. You absolutely love. After all, you are going to wear it every day.
2. Can carry all of the necessary things for everyday use–your keys, wallet, etc.
3. Is made of high quality leather that will age well.
4. Represents an extension of your personality. Note that this may not necessarily be the current "It" Bag.
5. Doesn’t break the bank. Make sure you get good value, quality and style for your money.
Pictured: Limited Nurse Handbag | $240 at Retrodelic.
Style question? We’ve got answers. E-mail us at tips at omiru dot com, or leave us a comment with your question.
8 comments April 6th, 2007