Omiru Poll Results: Ballet Flats are IN!

We asked: Are Ballet Flats In or Out?
You said: Totally In. Ballet Flats were declared "In" by an impressive 88%.
Omiru’s take:
What’s not to love about these versatile, easy-to-wear shoes? They’re equally at home paired with a flowy spring dress on the weekend as they are with a smart cardigan and skirt at work. It’s easy to slip a pair of black ballet flats into your shoe closet. But maybe it’s too easy. In the spirit of expanding your style horizons, we challenge you to step outside of your shoe comfort zone and pick up a pair of ballet flats in an unexpected color. Bright yellow? Cobalt blue? A cool seafoam, perhaps?
Next Question: Dresses are In for Spring, but what do you think about the Minidress? Tell us, are Minidresses In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on
the sidebar!
Pictured: Sam Edelman "Celine" Ballet Flat | $88.95 at Nordstrom.
12 comments March 26th, 2007