Omiru Poll Results: Capri Pants are On the Way Out!

We asked: Are Capri Pants In or Out?
You said: Somewhere in between. The In/On the Way Out/Out split was almost even–so let’s call capri pants On the Way Out.
Omiru’s take: Though the weather has been heating up, you haven’t warmed to the idea of capri pants. We can’t blame you–the mid-calf length can be hard to wear. We look much more favorably upon the knee-length city short (especially if you’re short). But for those blessed with gracefully long legs, go ahead and go capri.
Next Question:
Ballet Flats are all over the shoe displays for Spring, presumably to complement the hordes of dresses filling the display racks. But what do You think?
Tell us, are Ballet Flats In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on
the sidebar!
Pictured: James Perse Deep Pocket Capri | $142 at Shopbop.
3 comments March 19th, 2007