March 2007: Omiru’s Favorite Graphic Tees
The beauty of the t-shirt is that it’s a blank canvas on which to create. And we’re pleased to report that we’ve scouted some awfully creative designs this month. Presenting, in no particular order, our Top 5 Graphic Tees for March 2007!

Reasons Not to Go Camping Tee | $15+ at Threadless
Further reason to be an "Indoors" person. Available in Men’s and Women’s sizes.
Paperboy Tee | $15+ at Threadless
Can a paper cutout deliver your newspaper? Available in Men’s and Women’s sizes.
Olive INKY Octopus Tee | $20 at Etsy
Sad octopus? Available in Women’s sizes.
T-Shirt Plague | $15+ at Threadless
For all of you germophobes out there. Available in Men’s and Women’s sizes.
Paper Airplanes Tee | $15+ at Threadless
Sure, Valentine’s Day is long over, but love is still in the air. Available in Men’s and Women’s sizes.
2 comments March 7th, 2007