Omiru Poll Results: Sweater Jackets are In!

We asked: Are Sweater Jackets In or Out?
You said: Bring on the Sweater Jackets–a full 69% voted them In.
Omiru’s take: There’s no question that Sweater Jackets are in. But now we can ask ourselves what type to wear. Short or long, chunky or delicately knit? Short sweater jackets work well for the petite, but then again, there’s a casual elegance to a 3/4 length. Chunky sweater jackets have a kind of ski-week charm, but a delicately knit jacket can blend right in at work.
Next Question: One of New York Fashion Week’s biggest accessory trends was the re-emergence of Thick Frame Glasses. But what do You think?
Tell us, are Thick Frame Glasses In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on
the sidebar!
Pictured: Marc by Marc Jacobs Nicolette Sweater | $278 at Shopbop.
March 5th, 2007