Omiru Poll Results: Charm Bracelets are (Barely) In

We asked: Are Charm Bracelets In or Out?
You said: We’re divided. While "In" got 46% of the vote, "Out" got almost as much support (37%).
Omiru’s take: We appreciate that Charm Bracelets, much like Cufflinks for men, allow you to express a little bit more about yourself. Tennis fan? Show your sporting spirit with a mini tennis racquet. Oenophile? Reveal your love of wine with a tiny wine bottle charm. That said, they’re seen in some circles as kitschy. Our verdict: this is a jewelry trend that’s more fun than fundamental, so spend accordingly.
Next Question: Our Trendscape: Wide Trouser Jeans sparked a bit of a debate as to whether or not they’re In yet. But what do You think? Tell us, are Wide Trouser Jeans In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Charm Bracelet | $4.95 at Forever 21.
6 comments January 22nd, 2007