Omiru Poll Results: Bright Yellow is IN!

We asked: Is Bright Yellow In or Out?
You said: Long live Bright Yellow! A significant 70% majority is all over the cheery color.
Omiru’s take: We’re sweet on Bright Yellow to cheer up an otherwise humdrum outfit. Got a pair of grey slacks and a white button-down for work? Add a Bright Yellow sweater or overcoat to the mix. Even if you’re not into bold colors, you can still add spark to your wardrobe with Bright Yellow accessories. Try out Bright Yellow with a cute handbag, a pair of shoes, a brooch, or even a ring.
Next Question: We’ve noticed Charm Bracelets rising up the trend ladder, probably for their inherent versatility. But what do You think? Tell us, are Charm Bracelets
In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Kenneth Jay Lane Oversized Enamel/Pearl Flower Ring | $88 at Shopbop.
5 comments January 15th, 2007