Omiru Poll Results: Shorts as Eveningwear is OUT!

We asked: Are Shorts as Eveningwear In or Out?
You said: Totally Out! 68% voted Shorts as Eveningwear Out, while only 18% cast their ballot towards "In." And the remaining 14% believe this trend is On the Way Out.
Omiru’s take: We agree wholeheartedly. While this look may appear appealing on the runway, it leaves much to be desired off the catwalk. And you can forget about wearing Shorts as Eveningwear at the Office Holiday Party! We urge you to leave your shorts where they belong: hanging in your closet until Spring.
Next Question: People have a love-hate relationship with Ugg boots–either you love ‘em or you hate ‘em. So, let’s get to the bottom of this. Tell us, are Ugg Boots In, or are they Out? Cast
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Juicy Couture Velvet Shorts | $198 at Shopbop.
2 comments December 18th, 2006