Omiru Poll Results: The Color White is IN!

We asked: Is The Color White In or Out?
You said: Overwhelmingly, In! The breakdown? 86% are enamored of the color, while only 2% voted it Out. The remaining 12% believe White’s on the way Out.
Omiru’s take:
White’s clean appeal is fresh as the smell of laundry coming out of the dryer. It’s simple in a way that somehow feels elegant, and the color’s versatility is unmatched. Perhaps most importantly, the color White is a blank canvas, a foundation from which to create your new Favorite Outfit.
Next Question: Eyelet is a delicate fabric treatment characterized by small holes, finished around the edges. It’s best framed in white–so it seems appropriate that our eyelet sightings have been accelerating in frequency. Tell us, what do you think about eyelet? Is it In, or is it Out? Cast your vote on
the sidebar!
3 comments June 26th, 2006