Omiru Poll Results: Military Fashion is Out

May 1st, 2006

Military Poll Result

We asked: Is Military Fashion In or Out?

You said: Military fashion is an oxymoron.  36% of you are still all over military styles, but an equal percentage think the trend’s over.  And an additional 28% think they’re on the way out. 

Omiru’s take: While you didn’t bash this trend as hard as you did the leggings, it’s clear that military fashion (and might we say military action) is falling from favor.  Though it certainly isn’t a crime to sport the look (after all, we saw a military shoutout on p. 140 of this month’s InStyle), be aware that this trend is making its final descent into So-Last-Season-land.

Next Question: What with the rising temperatures, we’re seeing shorts (from short shorts to knee-length shorts) everywhere.  So tell us, what do you think about Shorts?  Are they In, or are they Out?  Cast your vote on the sidebar!

Entry Filed under: Features,News,Trend,What's In and What's Out


  • 1. Rick  |  September 30th, 2006 at 2:05 pm

    I say that military fashion is not on the way out. It certainly has been in style for long enough, but the major design houses are still putting out clothing inspired by military. It may not be camoflauge that you’re wearing next spring, but it will still be military inspired in the cuts and lines. A recent article said that the ‘baby doll’ look for women’s clothing was more prevalent in the spring lines, however the military look hasn’t gone away.

    I think that for the next year or so, we’ll still see the military look morphing into varieties we haven’t yet seen, or at the very least still influencing the basic cuts of the clothing.

  • 2. Trisha  |  September 30th, 2006 at 3:04 pm

    Excellently put, Rick. We’re still seeing military inspired styles, most notably at Fashion Week!


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