We asked: Is Nautical Fashion In or Out?
You said: Looks like Nautical Fashion is still in. Most (59%) see Nautical Fashion as a Classic, and another 23% believe that it’s a trend that’s still in style. Only 13% think it’s Out of style, and another 5% consider it on the way out.
Omiru’s take: We’re fans of Nautical Fashion, and we definitely think it’s still in. While we do see it as a classic (think: navy blue, crisp white, and Ralph Lauren advertisements), it’s definitely being hyped as a trend…as it has been for the last couple of seasons. While we’re wearing the trend, we’re being mindful of going overboard.
Next Question: What do you think about Leggings? Is it In, or is it Out? Cast your vote on the sidebar!
April 10th, 2006

The scene at the Discarded to Divine event put on by St.
Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco
was truly delightful. Hundreds of fashion enthusiasts gathered at the Gensler
building and
celebrated not only their love of fashion, but also their compassion for charity. It wasn’t your average fashion show with runways and bright lights, but it was
sophisticated, fun, and for a great cause!
The Crowd: Men in suits, teenage girls with metallic belts
and purses, ladies in skirts and jeans.
The Food: Finger foods like shrimp, guacamole, carrots,
broccoli, celery, and crackers.
The Clothes: Different pieces were sewn together by SF State and FIDM students to make funky
outfits. We saw a wife-beater-turned-dress, a jacket with unique
patches sewn on the back, and a long dress with a head piece reminiscent of the dress of women from the Middle East.
The Models: Amateur models with heavy makeup and teased hair
strutted their stuff while guests nibbled away.
April 10th, 2006
Polka dots are in, and they’re perfect for the beautiful spring days we’re anxiously awaiting!
$68 at Intermix.
April 10th, 2006