Return of the Friday Fashion Hotlist | 10.28.05
October 28th, 2005
No, we haven’t forgotten about the Friday Fashion Hotlist, our weekly compilation of the cutest and coolest stuff Style Intelligence Report saw out there this week.
The falling temperatures make us long for a beautiful New England Autumn, and we’re feeling particularly Prep School Chic this week.
For women…

Essentially a re-issue of a sweater Abercrombie designed for last Spring. Trisha owns this sweater in Heather Grey, but this time around, she’s looking to buy the cream version. Or the chocolate brown. Or both. This sweater will help keep you warm during the Winter months, but it’ll also be perfectly on-trend come Spring, what with its clean lines and neutral color.
And for men…

Entry Filed under: Friday Fashion Hotlist,Trend
1. Anonymous | October 28th, 2005 at 10:37 am
Yes, it’s getting cold! Brrrr! Any cool jacket recommedations for the guys! (mild climate, non pea coat type). Thanks.
2. Trisha | October 28th, 2005 at 6:11 pm
Mat, thanks for your comment. We’re on it!