Ready Made Outfit: Dinner and a Movie | Men’s Edition: Casual Chic
June 20th, 2005
For a look that’s casually chic:
Fashion Formula = Track Jacket + Graphic Tee + Jeans + Sneakers.

Avant Zip Up Track Jacket | $89 at Ben Sherman

White Agoo Wings Shirt | $34 at Little Idiot Collective

Dark Blast Flap-Pocket Utility Jean | $98 at Banana Republic

Chino Sneaker | $39.50 at JCrew
Two words of caution:
- Beware of the logoed graphic tee, lest you become a walking billboard.
- The "Sneaker" in this formula is not the same one you’d wear to the gym. There are athletic sneakers for exercising, and then there are sneakers for everyday wear. Let’s do us all a favor and uphold the distinction.
Caution aside, this is a perfect look for the guy who wants to look nice–without looking like he’s trying too hard.
Entry Filed under: Men,Ready Made Outfits