Happy Holidays from the Omiru Team!

December 25th, 2008

Hi everyone,

Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and (in a few short days) Happy New Year. 

Thanks to wonderful readers like you, 2008 was a great year.  Over and over, we heard stories about how you grew more confident with your fashion choices.  How you tried on new styles (and new colors) that you didn’t think would work—but did!  How your evolving sense of style is changing your life for the better. 

Every time we hear one of these stories, it affirms what we’re doing here at Omiru.  So–thank you for sharing, and keep the stories coming!

2008 also welcomed a lot of new faces to the Omiru community, in part thanks to nods from Time Magazine and the Wall Street Journal.  (On a related note, thanks for your continued support through some of these growing pains.  We’ve had more outages lately, and we just completed a software upgrade this morning to address this–and speed up the load time of our pages.  We’re also looking to make some more back end tweaks to make Omiru even better for 2009 and beyond.)

What’s next?  We’re taking a short vacation, returning bright and early (and full of fresh style inspiration) on Monday, January 5. 

In the meantime, we want to know what’s on your mind for 2009.  As for us, we’re looking to (1) discover new designers and stores to share with you, (2) try on even more new trends, styles, and colors (so we can share what works and what doesn’t), and (3) make it easier for you to find the style information you’re looking for on Omiru.

Have any New Year’s Resolutions to share?

Trisha and the Omiru Team

Entry Filed under: Off Topic


  • 1. Barbara  |  December 26th, 2008 at 12:27 am

    Hey there,
    Great Blog!! I personally loved your pics …. Must admit you have a great sense of style. Keep up the good work.
    PS: I have initiated an idea to create a fashion and style blogroll where bloggers from the jewelry, fashion, style and beauty could participate.
    All you need to do is to add my blog link to your blog and i’ll do the same.
    That way, we could have a mutual partnership and we could refer visitors to each other’s blog.
    Please let me know if you would be interested.

    Barbara and Ellen
    The Gals at SoHo

  • 2. Mimi  |  December 27th, 2008 at 11:59 am

    New Year’s Resolution: Wear it! I have a tendancy to buy something and then “save it” for a special ocassion or hold off wearing it, waiting for a day that never comes.
    2009.. Wear It!!
    And… don’t fall into the “it’s winter, wear black” mode! Colors and bright accessories all year!

  • 3. Trisha  |  December 30th, 2008 at 9:56 pm

    Great resolutions, Mimi! There’s no day like today to wear that beautiful new piece hanging in your closet.

  • 4. Key Wii  |  January 1st, 2009 at 12:13 am

    have a happy new year


December 2008
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