Where to Find The Best Men’s Peacoats
November 23rd, 2007
Peacoats come in many styles, cuts and colors, but for me, the perfect one is dark (but not black), tailored, and waist length. I prefer a shorter coat (i.e. not thigh or knee length, but waist length) - some say “trend,†I say “sporty.†Style tip? As with all black wool clothes, a black wool peacoat easily picks up lint.
I’m quite picky, so don’t feel bad if you are too. Peacoats can be expensive and if you don’t find the perfect one, don’t spend money on it. But if you’re looking for the perfect peacoat, you’re in luck—I’ve already done the legwork for you. Here are the best peacoats out there:

This is the peacoat I ended up buying, so naturally, I think it’s the best one. I loved the length and the sleek, tailored look. The extra wide collars might be a turnoff for some, but I actually like the detail. If you zoom in on the picture, you can see what spurred me to pull the trigger on this purchase: the texture. It gives the coat personality. Although I don’t normally like boxy cuts, I liked the boxiness of this coat, which gives the coat a dressier feel and a strong shoulder.
I really like this peacoat in black/gray from the brand new online Diesel store–his check pattern reminded me of the pattern on the Oak flannel shirt. Like the Michael Kors coat, this coat scores points for (tweed) texture. As with all things Diesel, it’s very form fitting and tailored. You’ll definitely be noticed in this bold coat.
Yeah, I know what the guys are thinking: “Wait a minute, doesn’t my girlfriend have a towel-like pair of pants with the word ‘juicy’ on the butt?†She probably does, but don’t be ashamed if you, too, wear Juicy Couture. Juicy has evolved into much more than a terry cloth pants company for teens. They make some great graphic T’s for guys and they make a good-looking peacoat. And, with Juicy, you know you’ll be getting something trendy and with a twist. In this case, that twist is a screen-printed satin lining.
With glowing white buttons, this navy coat is hit or miss. To me, it’s a hit. The navy/white gives the peacoat a very nautical, traditional feel. With Burberry, you know you’ll be getting a boxier cut.
I love the texture on this coat from one of my favorite stores, Oak NYC. Again, this is hit or miss, as it is quite unusual – it has detachable sleeves. This uncommon feature also makes it practical: do as the store’s description says and layer it with a sweater.
Of all the coats I have suggested, this peacoat is the most timeless. It features a more traditional length (i.e. thigh level), and it is dark and simple. This is a great coat to get if you want something classy and tasteful. I myself was *this* close to buying this coat.
Got $4500 to drop on a coat? This coat by the one and only Michael Bastian is for you.
I’ll leave you with one last Style Tip, or rather a Style Rule. Button you coat! Double-breasted coats look very bad when you don’t button them. You don’t need to fasten all the buttons, although traditionalists will rebuke me for saying this. My best advice? Leave the top button undone.
Have a great tip about where to find a great men’s peacoat?
Share it with us in the comments!
Style question? We’ve got answers. E-mail us at tips at omiru dot com, or leave us a comment with your question.
Entry Filed under: Men,Shopping Guide,Trendscape
1. Mary | November 25th, 2007 at 8:55 pm
YIKES! I think the plaid coat looks VERY feminine!
2. Jeremy | November 26th, 2007 at 4:07 pm
many of these coats are unavailable already!
3. Trisha | November 26th, 2007 at 5:13 pm
Chalk it up to the post-Thanksgiving shopping rush….or to John’s excellent taste. So often, the best clothes go fast. Check back with us often
4. hanle | December 6th, 2007 at 12:28 am
Should have at a look at the St. James shop, 1045 Madison
5. M | December 6th, 2007 at 8:20 pm
AH! After casually browsing for weeks for the perfect peacoat, I stumbled upon the Michael Kors one, only to find that Sak’s wasn’t offering it online anymore. However after a few phone calls and a 10 minute wait on-hold, I was able to order the the coat in a small from the SF store..for $280!
6. Trisha | December 7th, 2007 at 1:09 am
Score! That’s awesome–thanks for sharing, M!
7. Dino-Ray | December 9th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
First off – I just wanted to say…HI TRISHA!
As for peacoats, I would suggest going to any military surplus store and get an authentic one. I was lucky enough to find mine at a vintage shop in Austin, TX for $40. It’s warm, sturdy and fits me like a dream…
8. Trisha | December 10th, 2007 at 12:50 am
Thanks for the tip, Dino! Yay for military surplus stores
9. John | December 23rd, 2007 at 3:07 am
How’s that Michael Kors one treating you?
10. Raymond | January 6th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
Well my girlfriend surprised me with one for christmas and i just love it. It is a London Fog and it fits me perfect. It was a great addition to my coat collection. I recommend everybody who loves fashion and loves to look their best invest in a peacoat!
11. AL | February 9th, 2010 at 11:56 pm