Omiru Poll Result: The Color Orange is IN!
October 15th, 2007

We asked: Is The Color Orange In or Out?
You said: In, with 66% of the vote.
Omiru’s take: Red is so often in the limelight, but its cousin Orange doesn’t get the same love. Orange is a great way to spice up a fall wardrobe–for both men and women. If you’re daring, try an overcoat or a dress in Orange. But if you’re just looking to experiment, start small with a scarf, pair of gloves, or even a handbag.
Style tip? Orange really pops when juxtaposed against the greys of the season, but it also pairs excellently with shades of blue.
Next question: Gloves, both long and short, are all over the runways…and the fashion glossies. But
what do you think? Tell us, are Gloves In,
or are they Out? Cast your
vote on the sidebar!
Pictured: Ambition Long Sleeve Trench Coat | $78 at Nordstrom.
Entry Filed under: Men,Trend,Trend Predictives,What's In and What's Out,Women
1. Mimi | October 15th, 2007 at 5:05 pm
I like orange but usually feel pumpkin-like when I wear it. I love that trench coat!. I think I’ll start small and pair it with gray rather than black to avoid the Halloween look.
2. Trisha | October 15th, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Yes–orange pairs well with grey, but orange + black = halloween!
3. Nancy | October 15th, 2007 at 9:13 pm
I like this shade of orange, it looks more like red-orange so that it does not look Halloween-y. I own a sweater in a similar color – and its actually one of my favorites because its bright and fun!
4. Trisha | October 15th, 2007 at 9:51 pm
This red orange–or “blood orange” is my favorite too!
5. Meg | October 16th, 2007 at 10:07 pm
Ooooh, I love that trench coat! I love orange, but it doesn’t love me. Maybe I just haven’t found the right orange for my pale, easily overpowered skin.
I can’t think of any orange in my wardrobe that’s not paired with with blue — but that’s cuz I’m a Florida gator 😉
6. Trisha | October 17th, 2007 at 2:44 am
Glad you like the trench, Meg! If you’re pale, try a darker shade of orange, like a reddish orange. With lighter shades, you run the risk of looking washed out.
7. Style for All&hellip | October 22nd, 2007 at 2:00 am
[…] October 22nd, 2007 We asked: Are Gloves In or Out?You said: Overwhelmingly in, with 87% of the vote.Omiru’s take: Gloves are the perfect way to accessorize a fall outfit–we love pairing gloves with a half sleeve or 3/4 sleeve jacket. But whether they’re wrist-length or elbow-length, gloves add a dash of sophistication to any outfit. Added bonus? Gloves protect your arms from the chilly fall air. Style tip? You can play it safe with neutral colored gloves in white, black, or grey. But gloves are a great way to experiment with color. Go on, be daring–and try purple, orange, or green!Next question: Ria wrote in because she found some gorgeous wool hats and feather flapper type hats, but she’s wondering whether or not they’re in. What do you think? Tell us, are Hats In, or are they Out? Cast your vote on the sidebar!Pictured: Nordstrom Long Cashmere Gloves | $42 at Nordstrom. […]